The focus of my research is to understand the ongoing implications of music performance anxiety on the life experiences, choices, perspectives, and wellbeing of contemporary singers. While research on music performance anxiety has gained traction over the last decade there has been minimal research in relation to singers and even less on singers within contemporary music. Furthermore, while research has been conducted to highlight the personality and self-related traits of musicians who struggle with music performance anxiety, little to no research has explored whether music performance anxiety has contributed to the development of these traits over time. Similarly, the unique impact that music performance anxiety has on an individual’s quality of life outside of the performance arena remains largely unexplored.
In order to form a more complete picture of the scope of any potential effects, singers are encouraged to partake in this study regardless of where they fall on the spectrum of performance anxiety - from severe music performance anxiety to none at all and anything in between. My aim is for your stories to be heard in the hope that they will contribute to a greater understanding of music performance anxiety that may ultimately benefit the lives of singers worldwide.
I am currently seeking singers to contribute to my research as participants. To express your interest please complete the below form.
Please note: participants are welcome to withdraw at any time.